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Private eye in a sentence

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Sentence count:27+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2019-01-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: privateerprivate enterpriseprivateprivatesprivatelyin privateprivate useprivate lawMeaning: n. someone who can be employed as a detective to collect information. 
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(1) He has been on the editorial staff of "Private Eye" since 1963.
(2) " Private Eye " is a satirical magazine.
(3) It might make a cover for Private Eye.
(4) Especially since Tunney's already struck out as a private eye.
(5) Private eye bin bagged A PRIVATE detective was yesterday fined £150 for stealing a national newspaper executive's rubbish.
(6) Are they, as Private Eye might say, by any chance related?
(7) Did they hire a private eye to wreak havoc on the life of the harasser?
(8) Mike Hardware was the kind of private eye who didn't know the meaning of fear.
(9) Perhaps Private Eye does not penetrate such an august reading room.
(10) Legendary San Francisco private eye Hal Lipset and five fellow gumshoes have an offer that may fit snug as a glove.
(11) I think in those days all private eye and detective shows were very cynical and hard-boiled.
(12) Roddy McMillan played the same Glasgow private eye but was called Daniel Britt on this occasion.
(13) Private Eye was indeed an extremely sore point with Branson.
(14) Me in New York having drinks with a private eye.
(15) The innovation of Private Eye ensured that deference, if not quite dead, would henceforth have a hard time.
(16) Are you having me tailed by the private eye?
(17) Suppose you had to hire a private eye. Would you want one that finked on his friends?
(18) The woman hired a private eye to find her lose brother.
(19) Harmon plays a private eye hired by Mimi Rogers to investigate her husband's disappearance.
(20) Second, he creates the symbol of the perfect private eye: Philip Marlowe,[] the modern knight.
(21) This hilariously funny collection of political satire is one of the best Private Eye annuals to date.
(22) ACCORDING to acquaintances who move in the twilight world of Private Eye( eye.html), the satirical magazine is hoping for a Conservative victory.
(23) I would be grateful if your last issues are full of Private Eye and Ian Hislop bashing - the smug munchkin.
(24) At photo opportunities or on walkabouts, he seemed to see a Private Eye cover picture in every handshake or pram.
(25) His five - year - old son thinks he's a private eye who catches bad guys.
(26) A name synonymous with the hardboiled genre, Chandler's most famous character is Philip Marlowe, a tough private eye with a smart mouth.
(27) McGee is a hard-nosed "salvage expert" — actually a private eye who lives on a boat (called The Busted Flush) and is one of the most memorable detective characters since Sherlock Holmes.
More similar words: privateerprivate enterpriseprivateprivatesprivatelyin privateprivate useprivate lawbuck privateprivatenessprivate partprivate lineprivate datasemiprivateprivate mailprivate partsprivate companyprivate schoolprivate sectorprivate propertyprivate ownershipthe private sectorprivate practiceprivate detectiveprivate placementprivate corporationprivate investigatorvirtual private networkprivate international lawprivation
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